
This is between me, you and
Mr. Soon to be living the rest of his short life... |
23kb |
Oh I'm sorry! Did I break your
concentration? I didn't... (S. L. Jackson) |
20kb |
Oh you're finished! (Samuel
L. Jackson) |
5kb |
Bring out the Gimp. |
3kb |
I remember asking you a god
damn thing! (Samuel L. Jackson) |
8kb |
Hit the spot! |
10kb |
How are you boys doing? |
6kb |
Say one again! Say one again!
Again! You motherf*r! Say... (S. L. Jackson) |
18kb |
Feel that sting big boy? That's
pride f*king with ya see... (B. Willis) |
17kb |
- I'm to take a piss. - That's
a little bit more information than I needed... |
18kb |
121kb |

Check out the big brain on
Bret. (Samuel L. Jackson) |
11kb |
We should have shotguns. |
7kb |
That's a damn shame. |
4kb |
This is a tasty burger. (Samuel
L. Jackson) |
11kb |
One... One... Disco. |
15kb |
Big Kahuna Burger. (Samuel
L. Jackson) |
4kb |
- I don't watch TV. - Yea, but
you are aware of the... (Travolta, Jackson) |
18kb |
Hamburgers! The Cornerstone to
any Breakfast. (Samuel L. Jackson) |
11kb |
Ah man I shot Marvin in the
face. (John Travolta) |
5kb |
We're American Honey. Our names
mean shit. (Bruce Willis) |
7kb |
86kb |
Vengeance. (20
kbps, mono, 44s) |
110kb |
Dialog na temat majonezu i
frytek. (128 kbps, stereo, 11s) |
177kb |
Zed is dead baby.
(128 kbps, stereo, 11s) |
187kb |
Dialog z początku filmu:
"I love you...". (128 kbps, stereo, 13s) |
209kb |
Twist contest. (32
kbps, mono, 34s) |
134kb |